Khoon Key Piyasay Urdu Novel - A Thrilling Masterpiece by Ibn-e-Safi

Khoon Key Piyasay Urdu Novel - A Thrilling Masterpiece by Ibn-e-Safi


Khoon Key Piyasay Urdu Novel - A Thrilling Masterpiece by Ibn-e-Safi

Khoon Key Piyasay Urdu Novel - A Thrilling Masterpiece by Ibn-e-Safi


Khoon Key Piyasay is an Urdu novel written by Ibn-e-Safi, a renowned Urdu fiction writer, and novelist. The book is one of the most popular novels by Ibn-e-Safi and has gained a significant following among Urdu readers. In this article, we will discuss the plot, characters, writing style, and overall reception of the novel.


The novel revolves around the life of a secret agent named Colonel Faridi, who is tasked with investigating a series of murders in the city. The murders are committed by a mysterious individual known as Khoon Key Piyasay, who drinks the blood of his victims. The novel follows Colonel Faridi's journey as he unravels the mystery behind the murders and uncovers a larger conspiracy.


The novel features a diverse cast of characters, including Colonel Faridi, the protagonist, who is a smart, capable, and dedicated secret agent. Other characters include Inspector Jamshed, a police officer who helps Faridi in his investigation, and several suspects and witnesses who are connected to the murders.

Writing Style:

Ibn-e-Safi's writing style in Khoon Key Piyasay is characterized by its suspense, action, and fast-paced narrative. The author's use of vivid descriptions and imagery creates a dark and mysterious atmosphere that keeps the reader engaged. The novel's dialogues are witty and entertaining, adding a layer of humor to the otherwise serious plot.


Khoon Key Piyasay has been widely acclaimed by readers and critics alike. The book has been praised for its gripping plot, well-developed characters, and engaging writing style. It has been translated into several languages and has gained a significant following not only in Pakistan but also in other countries with Urdu-speaking communities.

Khoon Key Piyasay is a must-read for anyone interested in Urdu literature or anyone looking for a thrilling and engaging novel. The book's well-developed characters, suspenseful plot, and entertaining writing style make it a timeless classic of Urdu fiction. Ibn-e-Safi's legacy as one of the greatest Urdu writers is cemented by his masterpiece, Khoon Key Piyasay.

Frequently Asked Questions about Khoon Key Piyasay Urdu Novel (FAQs):

Who is the author of Khoon Key Piyasay?

Khoon Key Piyasay is written by Ibn-e-Safi, a renowned Urdu fiction writer, and novelist.

What is the genre of Khoon Key Piyasay?

Khoon Key Piyasay is a suspenseful and action-packed Urdu novel.

What is the plot of Khoon Key Piyasay?

The novel follows the story of Colonel Faridi, a secret agent tasked with investigating a series of murders in the city, committed by a mysterious individual known as Khoon Key Piyasay, who drinks the blood of his victims.

What is the writing style of Khoon Key Piyasay?

Ibn-e-Safi's writing style in Khoon Key Piyasay is characterized by suspense, action, and fast-paced narrative. The author's use of vivid descriptions and imagery creates a dark and mysterious atmosphere that keeps the reader engaged.

Is Khoon Key Piyasay available in English?

Khoon Key Piyasay is originally written in Urdu but has been translated into several languages, including English.

Is Khoon Key Piyasay suitable for all readers?

The novel is a work of fiction and contains some violent and explicit content, so it may not be suitable for all readers.

What is the reception of Khoon Key Piyasay?

Khoon Key Piyasay has been widely acclaimed by readers and critics alike for its gripping plot, well-developed characters, and engaging writing style. It is considered a timeless classic of Urdu fiction.

Where can I find Khoon Key Piyasay in Urdu or English?

Khoon Key Piyasay is available in bookstores and online retailers in both Urdu and English.

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