Nature's paradoxical...!

Nature's paradoxical...!


Nature's paradoxical...!

Nature's paradoxical...!

This is an amazing park in Austria, where your eyes travel to the tranquil scenery. It's like those spellbound forests where fairies and elves live and they are about to come out and carried you away to their magical kingdom! This is though only for a certain time of the year because this outstanding scenery is transformed to an extraordinary marine kingdom where mermaids live...and can join divers to their meanderings at another part of the year! Paradoxical but it is reality!

During winter you can have a picnic at this tranquil grassland and enjoy the sight of the crystal clear lake that is only 3 to 6 feet deep.

During spring though, as the snow and ice melt the level of the lake rises so much that it swallows the park!

The Green Sea as it is its translated name in English is the result of a natural phenomenon that due to the large quantity of water, it becomes a huge lake!

During summer time the level of water reaches 40 feet deep, so is a perfect destination for diving lovers!

As you can see there is nothing to remind you where you had your picnic a few months ago! As everything is submerged by water from the mountains!

It is multiple destination that can satisfy even the most demanding people! Picnic in winter through a romantic and absolutely tranquil scenery and in just a few months a swimming paradise or even scuba diving! I would definitely want to visit it!

Source: Elite Daily

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